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The ANIDEKO website is protected under applicable copyright laws and international conventions. Logos, symbols and names that represent ANIDEKO and products and services on the ANIDEKO website are trademarks of ANIDEKO. Information on the ANIDEKO website, including (but not limited to) text, presentations, figures, pictures and sound, may not, unless otherwise indicated, be reproduced, transferred, distributed or stored without prior written permission from ANIDEKO. ANIDEKOs website is a service to business partners, customers and the general public and has the purpose of informing about ANIDEKO and ANIDEKOs products. ANIDEKO makes no warranties about the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of the information contained on ANIDEKOs website. ANIDEKO takes no responsibility for any damage or loss, whether direct, indirect, specially or otherwise, caused by materials used on ANIDEKOs website or for damage caused by the inability to use or access the pages. ANIDEKO reserves the right to revise the ANIDEKO website or to disable access to it by own discretion. ANIDEKO takes no responsibility for the pages accessible through links on the ANIDEKO website or for information contained herein. |